Arthritis solution pack

ArhroXtra  Tablets is a natural bone and cartilage supplement combining glucosamine(an amino acid) and chondroitin for smooth motion.
Glucosamine builds /strengthens the cartilage and tissue that cushions your joints while chondroitin lubricates cartilage for better mobility,while also being a shock absorber for joints.
It is recommended for the elderly people experiencing bone and joint discomforts
People who are physically active like sportsmen/women and those suffering from arthritis. 
Manufactured by BF SUMA a  leading health supplements manufacturer from USA .
1.Make and repair joint cartilage
2. Reduce pain symptoms of osteoarthritis and further deterioration
3. Improve the ability of joint movement
4. It provides structure and nutrients
5. Keeps joint lubricate and normalize joint metabolism
6. Promote strong and elastic protective tissue
7. Promote the production of synovial fluid and reduce joint friction
8. Alleware such symptoms as swelling stiffness and numbness
9. Prevent osteoarthritis
10. Prevent age related arthritis e.g. from 85 to 50 years where arthritis 
is prone and .above 50 years. 
11. Decrease abrasion of articular cartilage
12. Promote repair of degenerated cartilage
13. Relieves low back pains, joint pain
14 Good for pertartruns of shoulder for middle aged people.
15. Due to per arthritis of shoulder for middle aged people
16. Due to mucopolysaccharide mineral composition can be rapidly 
 absorbed and activated by the body cells
17. Low-terms consumption keeps body strong
18 It’s rich in collagen protein, calcium, Phosphorus, Zinc and other mineral elements.
19 Good for climacteric women 
Made of 100% natural ingredients without side effects
2 X 2 taken 
after meals