


Type : Sell
Location : 00100

Liven alkaline coffee is made up of the finest class of Coffee Arabica combined with complete Phyto-energizer. It is the most delicious and healthiest coffee. This is a coffee genuinely made from the finest ingredients and highly regarded for its distinctive taste, elegant, smoothness and health benefits.
While enjoying every sip of this new found taste, liven alkaline coffee keeps you healthy by:
1.protects against heart diseases and complications.
2.controls high-blood pressure.
3.helps prevent cancer of any origin
4 prevents degenerative diseases like arthritis and rheumatism
5.reduces risk of developing type ii diabetes.
6.prevents Parkinson’s disease.

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  • Property Valuation
  • Searches and Inspection of Title
  • Sale Agreement and Property Transfer
  • Payment of Land Rates
  • Processing of all Legal Documents
  • WhatsApp Click here to Call Diaspora Office



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  3. Ignore unrealistic offers -if the deal is too good, think twice!
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