
Type : Sell
Location : ABSA Towers
Most individuals dream of Success but never attains it, others see it, feel it and act it in their lives. Seeing and taking action is a key component of true and tangible Success. Optiven is here to help you walk, see, touch and own the journey to an extraordinary Success.
Yes, you can join the successful community by owning property at Success Gardens – Gatanga Road. This very strategic property is right on tarmac and only 9 minutes drive from Thika Superhighway.
Success Gardens is designed for those who aspire to be Successful in life; those dreaming to have Successful families and only those who take quick action to start the enjoyable journey towards Successful living. Do not wait any longer, join this scenic Gardens that comes with unique value additions destined to be fully done in 24 months time.
Whats More
Water on site
Solar Street Lights
Murram roads
Trees along the internal roads
Manned security
Nice success entry gate
House designs
Green zone

For Real Estate Ads, Contact Sokosawa for Recommendation on these Services:

  • Property Valuation
  • Searches and Inspection of Title
  • Sale Agreement and Property Transfer
  • Payment of Land Rates
  • Processing of all Legal Documents
  • WhatsApp Click here to Call Diaspora Office



ABSA Towers


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