
Type : Sell
Location : Nairobi Roysambu
We have invested in making handmade jewelry made from brass.
Wholesale prices starts from 50 pieces and Above.
Brass Neckpieces @499 Ksh each 
Wholesale price 50 PCs @450 Ksh each (22,500/)
Contact WhatsApp 0722629783 to place an order
We offer free delivery service within Nairobi CBD or Roysambu TRM on a weekly basis.
There’s no ready stock since they are all custom made to fit specific customers preferences.
FB page VaRie Jewelry

For Real Estate Ads, Contact Sokosawa for Recommendation on these Services:

  • Property Valuation
  • Searches and Inspection of Title
  • Sale Agreement and Property Transfer
  • Payment of Land Rates
  • Processing of all Legal Documents
  • WhatsApp Click here to Call Diaspora Office



Nairobi Roysambu
Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Ignore unrealistic offers -if the deal is too good, think twice!
  4. Never pay upfront for products or services
  5. You are solely responsible for your online safety
  6. Read our Terms and Conditions 
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